Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting Ready for the Mud Run

I've been trying to get ready for two Mud Runs, my first ever. My first will be here in South Carolina, where I've been told that though it is an over 5 mile course, the focus is less on running distances than it is on obstacles--36 in all. And looking at the description of the course obstacles, I'm definitely getting a bit nervous.

In terms of running, I did a serious run (for me) of 4 miles when I was NJ last month, where I was pleased that I was able to average 10 minutes per mile:

The next time I ran a straight distance was 2 weeks ago, while I was in California and had an opportunity to run with some of my co-workers with whom I'll be doing the Mud Run at Camp Pendleton in June.  I was pleasantly shocked at how much my time improved running with friends from work.  I guess running with friends motivated everyone to pick up their speed:

That said, I haven't run a straight distance since then, and kind of just been fretting about all the obstacles that I'll be doing this Saturday.  And carbo-loading.  For what it's worth, a woman on my team and I have been trying to practice some obstacles, like getting a team over the sheer side of a 10 foot wall and swinging on monkey bars.  Has anyone been on monkey bars lately since they were a kid?  Man, I though my arms were going to pull out of their sockets! 

Yeesh, is it time to panic?

1 comment:

  1. i just remember the callouses and blisters on my hands from monkey bars.
